Local Deals & Discounts
We have partnered with our fellow local businesses to offer *Deals & Discounts on Hotel and Motel services to anyone who books a stay at 9H Horse Motel. Welcome to La Junta Colorado!
Participating La Junta Businesses Include:
- EconoLodge- 719-384-4408
- Hampton Inn- 719-384-4444
- Holiday Inn Express- 719-384-2900
- La Junta Inn- 719-383-3946
- Midtown Motel- 719-384-8010
- Stagecoach Motel- 719-384-5476
- Travel Inn- 719-384-2504
* To receive a discount, you must book your hotel/motel stay by phone and present proof of service provided by 9H Horse Motel.